Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hello, Old Friend

It's time. After a very long hiatus, I realized that A) When people ask me what my hobbies are, I have no quick answer and B) There's so much valuable information to be paid forward when one goes through wedding planning. For those main reasons, I've decided to return to blogging. You know, so I can answer "Oh, blogging is one," when people ask me what I do in my spare time. #grownuplife.

But yes, the real impetus was just how much talent I was coming across when searching for wedding vendors. First of all, I am a big fan of small business and entrepreneurship. My parents have owned their own business pretty much all my life, I aspire to call a business my own someday, and I currently lead a group at my church which gathers small business owners to talk about their journeys and thoughts. Did I say I'm a fan of entrepreneurship? When American Express started their Shop Small campaign with Small Business Saturday being a thing, I jumped on board AND tried to drive the party bus.

With that said, I wanted to pass on information about some exceptional vendors I came across (or was referred to by friends/family), whether I decided to go with them for my own wedding or not. First up, Atomic Tangerine! I met Noah while working at the Silverlake Farmer's Market and he was so congenial. He said he had just gotten back from a wedding video shoot in New York and I was instantly interested. Though I knew I would probably be going with another videographer (that's for the next post) who is a good friend from high school, I still wanted to see what his work was all about. What I think is so creative and fun about Atomic Tangerine is that they make "wedding music videos." That's exactly what Noah called it. The videos are stylized, fun, and something you could keep on loop at a party just like a music video! Speaking of music videos, apparently their work has been featured on VH1.

So, if you've ever wanted to be featured in a music video and you think your wedding day is good cause to finally check that off the bucket list, give these guys a call/email/tweet/poke/whatever people call it these days. Au revoir!

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